Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka

Freie Unviersität Berlin
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
CRC 1171 Affective Societies
Assistant Professor
Theories and Methods Workshop
Room 107
14195 Berlin
Thomas Stodulka is Junior Professor of Social, Cultural, and Psychological Anthropology at FU Berlin. His work focuses on affect, emotion, childhood and adolescence, alternative economies and education, mental health, and affective methodologies. He conducted long-term fieldwork with street-related children, young men and women in Indonesia, and he has directed international projects on the role of affect and emotion in fieldwork and ethnography, envy in transcultural perspectives, economies of solidarity, and critical perspectives on big data. His current work focuses on eco-social movements, permaculture, and liberation pedagogies in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.
Academic degrees
- 05/2013 Dr. phil. in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin; Thesis: Coming of Age on the Streets of Java – A life course perspective on coping with stigma and marginality (magna cum laude)
- 10/2004 M.A. in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Visual Anthropology, Media and Communication Studies, Georg-August Universität Göttingen (summa cum laude)
Academic career
- since 10/2016 Junior Professor (W1) at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin; positive evaluation (06/2019, habilitation equivalent and contract extension)
10/2020–03/2021 Research Fellowship, Leipzig Lab Working Group ‘Children and Nature’, Universität Leipzig
09/2016 - 07/2017 EURIAS Junior Research Felow, Netherlands Institutes of Advanced Studies (NIAS) Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 08/2014 - 05/2015 Visiting Research Fellow, Center for Social and Democratic Studies, Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- 05/2013 - 08/2016 Project Director "The Researcher's Affects", International Research Group (Volkswagen Stiftung), Cluster of Excellence “Languages of Emotion”, Freie Universität Berlin and Universität Bern
- 10/2008 - 04/2013 Assistant and Research Fellow, Interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence "Languages of Emotion", Freie Universität Berlin
Third-party funds raised, fellowships and grants
These are the grants and awards that I have acquired as lead applicant:
- 2023 – 2024 Humboldt Research Award, successful nomination with Prof. Dr. Brady Wagoner, Aalborg University; Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation
- 2022 “Afflicted Minds–‘Madness’, Morality and Emotions in rural Bali”; German Research foundation (DFG), 1 doctoral position, 3 years
- 2021 “Orders of Feeling and Economies of Solidarity: Understanding the relationship between work, health systems, and well-being in five European countries during Covid-19 (OFES-19)”; una-europa, Seed Funding for Developing Future Transnational Teaching Modules, EU Commission
- 10/2020 – 03/2022 Research Fellowship Working Group “Children and Nature”; Leipzig Lab, Universität Leipzig
- 02/2019 International Networking Support: FU Berlin, National University Singapore; Center for International Cooperation FUB
- 05/2017–10/2018 “Encounter”: collaborative multilingual media project for ‘refugees’ and others; Robert-Bosch-Stiftung
- 09/2016–07/2017 Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Fellowship, EURIAS Junior Research Fellow; Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies, NIAS, Amsterdam
- 05/2013–07/2018 “The Researchers’ Affects”; VolkswagenStiftung
- 06/2006–04/2008 “Big Boys Don’t Cry–Shame, Fear and Youth in Indonesia”; fieldwork grant, German Academic Exchange service (DAAD)
- 01/2005–04/2005 Junior Fellow scholarship grant, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Universität Bielefeld, Research Group: Emotions as bio-cultural processes
I have acquired the following grants as co-applicant:
- 2020 - 2022 “Learning for Democracy from Interfaith Initiatives: Civic Education, Democracy, and Religion” (Berlin University Alliance Global Engagement Grant)
- 2019 – 2021 “Encounter”: media workshops, collaboration with the public library Tempelhof-Schöneberg and the Mauerpark Institut e.V. (Kulturstiftung des Bundes)
- 2019 – 2023 “Shaping Asia” network consisting of partner organizations in Asia and Germany (convenor working group “Knowledge Production and Circulation”; DFG Network)
- 01/2017–03/2018 “Knowledge Complexity”-Project (K-PLEX; work package leader, EU Horizon2020)
- 11/2016 “Transforming emotion cultures – Transdisciplinary perspectives on immigration and conflict” (Center for International Cooperation FUB; International research workshop, Tel Aviv University, 28.-29.11.2016)
- 10/2009–09/2013 “Are Germans really green-eyed monsters? – Envy in transcultural perspectives: Japan, Indonesia, Germany” (PI; Cluster of Excellence Languages of Emotion, DFG)
2019. Emotionen auf Expeditionen: Ein Taschenhandbuch für die ethnographische Praxis (with Oliver Lubrich) [Emotions on Expeditions: A pocketbook for ethnographic practice]. Bielefeld: transcript.
2019. Emotionen im Feld: Gespräche zur Ethnographie, Primatographie, und Reiseliteratur (with Katja Liebal & Oliver Lubrich) [Emotions in the Field: Conversations on Ethnography, Primatography, and Travel Writing]. Bielefeld: transcript.
Edited Books
2019. Affective Dimensions of Fieldwork and Ethnography (ed. with Ferdiansyah Thajib & Samia Dinkelaker). New York: Springer. (over 18,000 downloads)
Edited Journal Special Issues
2022. Fieldwork meets Crisis; guest editor with Andrea Behrends, Mirco Göpfert, Minh Nguyen, Thomas G. Kirsch, Anna Lisa Ramella, Magnus Treiber, Asta Vonderau; Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 147 (in production).
2021. Envisioning Anthropological Futures; with Kristina Mashimi, Hansjörg Dilger, Anita von Poser, Birgitt Röttger-Rössler, Dominik Mattes; Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 145.
Journal Articles
2022. Envy and Culture: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Socioeconomic Inequality, with Annemarie Bierstedt, Emotions: History, Society, Culture, 6: 1-25.
2022. Emotive Banners and Billboards: Worlding Covid-19 and Orders of Feeling in Kupang, Indonesia. Special Issue, “Worlding Sites”: Globalized Visions and Material Constructions of Future Southeast Asia, guest editors: Vignato, S. & Arnez, M., European Journal of East Asian Studies 21(1), published ahead of print. doi:10.1163/15700615-20220121
2021 Introduction: Envisioning Anthropological Futures (and Provincializing Their Origins); with Kristina Mashimi, Hansjörg Dilger, Anita von Poser. Special Issue: Envisioning Anthropological Futures, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 145: 3-26.
Book Chapters
2022. Reflexivity, Engagement, Decoloniality – Shifting Emergences of Ethnography and Collaboration, in: Anne Meiser, Ingo Rohrer & Mirjam Lücking (ed.), Im Tandem – Wege zu einer postkolonialen Ethnologie. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 125–149.
2022. Die Ökonomie des Humorvollen, in: Michaela Haug & Rosalie Stolz (eds.). Ethnographic Encounters – Essays in the Honour of Prof. Dr. Martin Rössler. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, pp. 178–202.
2022. Ethnographie und Feldforschung in Bewegten Welten [Ethnography and Fieldwork in Moving Worlds] in: In Uwe Wolfradt, Lars Allolio-Näcke & Peter S. Ruppel (eds.), Kulturpsychologie – Eine Einführung. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 67–79.
2021 Methods and the Construction of Knowledge: Fieldwork and Ethnography, in: Pedersen, L. & Cligett, L. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook for Cultural Anthropology, pp. 99 – 118. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
2020. Zauberformel, Scharlatanerie, Projektion? Empathie als Methode und Emotion als Erkenntnis ethnographischer Forschung [Magic formula, charlatanry, projection? Empathy as Method and Emotion as Epistemics in Ethnographic Research], in: J. Jacobs, M. Liebelt & K. Konerding (eds.), Empathie und Sprache, pp. 64-82. Berlin: deGruyter.
2020. Foreword: Of fat white buffalos, dirty dogs, and sleazy machos: A tender hoo-ha on swearing, mocking and belonging, in: Nassenstein, N. & Storch, A. (eds.), Swearing and Cursing: Contexts and Practices in a Critical Linguistic Perspective, Volume 22 of Language and Social Life pp. VII – IX. Berlin: de Gruyter.
2019. Emotions in Fieldwork (with James Davies), in: P. Atkinson, S. Delamont, A. Cernat, J.W. Sakshaug, & R.A. Williams (eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations.
2019. Pathways of Affective Scholarship (with James Davies), in: Stodulka, T., Thajib, F. & Dinkelaker, S. (eds.), Affective Dimensions of Fieldwork and Ethnography, pp. 1-7. New York: Springer.
2019. Introduction: Advancing Affective Scholarship (with Ferdi Thajib & Samia Dinkelaker), in: Stodulka, T., Thajib, F. & Dinkelaker, S. (eds.), Affective Dimensions of Fieldwork and Ethnography, pp. 8-23. New York: Springer.
2019. Orders of Feeling, in: C. von Scheve & J. Slaby (eds.), Affective Societies: Key Concepts, pp. 310-318. London: Routledge.
2019. Fieldwork, Ethnography, and the Empirical Affect Montage. (with Ferdi Thajib & Samia Dinkelaker), in: A. Kahl (ed.), Analyzing Affective Societies: Methods and Methodologies, pp. 279-295. London: Routledge.
Other Publications (not peer-reviewed)
2022. Emotion und Wissenschaft: Eine Herausforderung für Forschung und Lehre, with Oliver Lubrich; Forschung und Lehre 05/22.
2021. Feldforschen lernen in Zeiten der Pandemie [Learning and Teaching Fieldwork in Pandemic Times], with Cordula Weißköppel; Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie, 54: 22-28.
2021 Exceptional Uncertainty: Early-Career Anthropologists in the Corona Pandemic, with Minh Nguyen, National Center of Competence in Research – The Migration-Mobility Nexus, blog;
2020. Field of Exceptional Uncertainty: The Challenges of Early-Career Anthropologists in the Wake of the Corona Pandemic, with Minh Nguyen, boasblog: Fieldwork meets Crisis.
2019. A Proposition: Affective Dimensions of Fieldwork and the Empirical Affect Montage, e-symposium, International Sociological Association,