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Sentiments of Justice and Transitional Justice (2015-2019)

African activists demonstrating before the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands (image: Jonas Bens)

African activists demonstrating before the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands (image: Jonas Bens)

Head of Project

Former staff members

Sentiments of Justice and Transitional Justice: Affective Transculturality in Proceedings before the International Criminal Court (completed with June 2019)

This legal anthropological project investigates the affective-emotional dynamics in proceedings before the International Criminal Court (ICC). By including the ICC’s “outreach events” in African “situation countries”, the project studies how these dynamics are transformed when being translated into African contexts. Assuming that the effectivity of transitional justice crucially depends on it being experienced as just in an affective-emotional sense, this project aims at developing a theory of “sentiments of justice” (Gerechtigkeitsgefühle). The empirical focus of the project is on the ICC’s proceedings against Dominic Ongwen, former brigade commander of the Lord’s Resistance Army. It comprises ethnographic fieldwork at the ICC in The Hague, and in the course of outreach activities in Northern Uganda. In the context of the collaborative research center, the project contributes to the analysis of transcultural emotional repertoires.

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