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Marion Acker receives the Tiburtius-Prize 2022

Marion Acker received the "Tiburtius-Prize 2022 – Preis der Berliner Hochschulen" on 07.12.2022 for her dissertation "Schreiben im Widerspruch. Nicht-/Zugehörigkeit bei Herta Müller und Ilma Rakusa".

News from Dec 09, 2022

Marion Acker received one of the three recognition prizes, which is awarded by the State Conference of Rectors and Presidents of the Berlin Universities. Her dissertation was connected to the literary studies sub-project A 03 "Mixed Feelings - Shared Feelings" (Head: Anne Fleig) and supervised by Anne Fleig. It was published on 28.11.2022.

We congratulate Marion Acker on this honor!

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