Marietta Kesting
Bildquelle: SFB 1171, TP B01
Capacious Conference
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Installationsansicht Irene Chabr "Wandernde Gesten II", 2017. Ausstellung "Affect Me. Social Media Images in Art" KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation 2017. Foto: Alexandra Höner, Courtesy Irene Chabr.
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Flyer zur Konferenz "Public Emotions"
Bildquelle: Image by CAPTAIN RAJU licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Image source: Wikimedia Commons. File: Holi_Festival_2017_in_Italy.61.jpg. Graphic design: Maria Kleinschmidt 2018.
Rabih Mroué, Blow Up 4, 2012
Bildquelle: The artist & Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Beirut & Hamburg
Auf dem Podium zur Diskussion „Expanded: Affect Me“: Julia Höner, Lara Baladi, Sarah Nankivell, Philip Scheffner, Kerstin Schankweiler
Bildquelle: Peter Schraeder
Diskussion Linz
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Eine Kooperation von KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf und dem Sonderforschungsbereich 1171 Affective Societies, Freie Universität Berlin.
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Image Testimonies. Witnessing in Times of Social Media
Bildquelle: © SFB 1171 TP B01
Mohamed Abla bei einer Performance in Kairo 1991
Bildquelle: © Mohamed Abla
Reza Aramesh: Action 117. Viet Cong Prisoner, Thuong Duc, January 23rd 1967. 2011.
Bildquelle: © Courtesy the artist & Ab-Anbar gallery Tehran
Regarding Spectatorship
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Bildquelle: Johanna Domke, CROP (2012)
Bildquelle: Mikala Hyldig Dal (ed.), Cairo: Images of Transition. Perspectives on Visuality in Egypt 2011-2013
Programmflyer "On the Aesthetics of Resistance"
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