Annual conference: "Mobilizing Affect - Affective Mobilization"
The “ Mobilizing Affect – Affective Mobilization ” conference delves into the powerful role of affect and emotion in driving social and political mobilization. It examines the dynamics of affect in prompting (political) action, shaping activist practices, and sustaining social movements. In the context of global crises, disputes over inequalities, identities, and rights are intensifying, while affects and emotions themselves increasingly become subjects of negotiation and social conflict. At the same time, affect is not only a driving force for progressive activism but also plays a crucial role in the rise of authoritarian and right-wing movements. Featuring contributions from academics, activists, and artists, the conference aims to deepen the understanding of affect’s role in mobilizing social transformation – across the political spectrum. With Lara Baladi, Stefanie de Velasco, Aletta Diefenbach, Fadia Elgharib, Michal Givoni, Marina Guzzo, Jonas Harbke, Clare Hemmings, Billy Holzberg, Gesa Jessen, Simon Koschut, Cesy Leonard, Margreth Lünenborg, Ani Makhashvili, Dominik Mattes, Carolyn Pedwell, Kerstin Schankweiler, Tanja-Bianca Schmidt, Verena Straub, and Sinthujan Varatharajah. The conference is organized by the Collaborative Research Center 1171 “ Affective Societies ”, FU Berlin, in cooperation with the TU Dresden research project “ Image Protests on Social Media ” and ICI Berlin.
Location: ICI Berlin - Institute for Cultural Inquiry
“Words don’t come easy". A conversation about love in queer*feminist literature and life.
What is love? How to find words, tell stories of love, intimacy and desire in all their shades and shadows without falling into the same old patterns of patriarchy? How do words create queer*feminist and decolonial worlds and when are words never quite enough? In what ways do love, politics, and power relate to each other on the page and in real life? What do we speak of when we speak of love? Writers and thinkers Omar Kasmani, Andrea Newerla, Phanuel Antwi, and Saskia Vogel will come together to discuss their experiences with writing and thinking about queer*feminist love. Omar Kasmani is a cultural anthropologist, writer and self-proclaimed Berliner-by-love. He is the author of “Queer Companions” (2022) and editor of “Pakistan Desires” (2023), Andrea Newerla is a writer, sociologist, and relationship counsellor. She is the author of “The End of the Romantic Dictate/Das Ende des Romantikdiktats” (2023), has conducted research on care, intimacy, as well as online dating, and lives and works in Berlin. Phanuel Antwi is an Associate Professor in the Department of English Language Literatures at the University of British Columbia, Canada. Among numerous academic publications, he is the author of “On Cuddling: Loved to Death in the Racial Embrace” (2023). Saskia Vogel is a writer, literary translator and editor born and raised in Los Angeles, USA and now living in Berlin. She is the author of “Permission” (2019) and co-editor of “Erotic Review magazine”, an art and literary journal that explores desire.
Location: Mittelpunktbibliothek Wilhelm Liebknecht / Namik Kemal Adalbert Str. 2 10999 Berlin
What is love? (Baby don’t hurt me)
Two-day international and interdisciplinary workshop on the controversial nature of love in queer*feminist contexts with a public evening event
Location: Aquarium at Kottbusser Tor Skalitzer Str. 6 1099 Berlin
The Clinic of Dignity. On Dealing with Vulnerability Discussion with Philosopher Cynthia Fleury
In this event, philosopher and psychoanalyst Cynthia Fleury, author and journalist Lea de Gregorio, and psychologist Ulrike Kluge discuss the role of dignity in our society. Drawing from different experiences and perspectives, they demonstrate how considering human vulnerability and defending the inalienability of dignity are essential elements of a democratic project based on empathy, justice, and social cohesion. The event will be held in German and French. Note: Registration required (opens on January 30, 2025)
Location: ICI Berlin
Feelings of War, War of Feelings. Affect and Violence in Memory Politics
No matter how much we would like to believe the opposite, wars are not a matter of the past but of the present: they unfold before our eyes here and now. To interpret their meaning and understand the evil they bring, we nevertheless continuously draw on the experiences of previous generations and how they dealt with being victims, witnesses, and sometimes willing and unwilling perpetrators of wars. Coming to terms with the past also means processing the affective impact of violence. What feelings may emerge in this process? Whose feelings play a role in this process and why? Can we understand the feelings of people in the past? Polina Aronson, the CRC's Public Relations Officer, moderates the discussion with historian and co-founder of the Russian NGO Memorial International Irina Shcherbakova, and Svetlana Müller, director of PANDA Platforma, a cultural initiative particularly for artists and performers from the former USSR. The event will be held in German.
Location: Einstein Forum, Potsdam
UNTER UNS • Episode 3: Undead • Fabian Bernhardt in conversation with Daniel Illger & Georg Seeßlen
Location: Volksbühne Berlin, Roter Salon
Magazines and Contemporary Spirit Fatma Aydemir and Enrico Ippolito in conversation about DELFI - Magazine for New Literature
What role do magazines play in the discussion of current social conflicts? Since 2023, Delfi has been bringing together various literary texts and forms, German-language and international positions on heteronormativity, racism and the institutional conditions of the literary and cultural scene. How does new literature participate in contemporary debates? What does magazine-making mean in profoundly changing public spheres? And can magazines be seen as a form of contemporaneity? In conversation with Fatma Aydemir and Enrico Ippolito as editors of the still young magazine Delfi - Magazine for New literature, the sub-project Affective Contemporaneity discusses how magazines contribute to negotiating fundamental conflicts of the present through their regular publication.
Location: KL 32/ 202, Rostlaube, Habelschwerdter Allee 45
Revenge is mine. On the dark side of justice
With: Fabian Bernhardt Moderation: Catherine Newmark
Location: Kulturareal Mühle Tiefenbrunnen Seefeldstrasse 219-233 8008 Zürich
Workshop ‘Eugenic phantasms’ with Dagmar Herzog
Whether in the inclusion debate or prenatal diagnostics, the dispute about how society should deal with people with disabilities and about the ‘right’ lessons to be learnt from the experiences of Nazi eugenics and the ‘euthanasia’ murders is not coming to rest. The lecture explores the question of how, when and by whom in the FRG in the decades and by whom a radically new understanding of disability - especially mental disability - was developed and what headwinds the various actors had to contend with. It was not until the 1970s and 1980s that an ‘anti-post-fascist’ generation was able to bring to life a new pedagogy for the disabled, including school integration experiments on the one hand and a de-hospitalisation movement on the other - the latter in the name of the 50,000 people with intellectual disabilities who were either housed in outdated large institutions or remained ‘misplaced’ in psychiatric wards. Historian Dagmar Herzog will talk about the secular-political and theological-philosophical arguments used by the activists - and how the cripple movement ultimately made the cause of people with intellectual disabilities its own - as part of the presentation of her new book ‘Eugenic Phantasms. A German History’ (Suhrkamp, 2024). Dagmar Herzog is Professor of History at the Graduate Centre of the City University of New York. She has published widely on sexual and gender history in modernity, Holocaust studies and the history of religion, including Sexuality in Europe: A Twentieth-Century History (Cambridge, 2011); Desire and vulnerability (Wallstein, 2018); The politicisation of desire (Siedler, 2005; Psychosozial 2021); Cold War Freud: Psychoanalysis in an age of catastrophes (Cambridge, 2017; Suhrkamp, 2023).
Location: JK 33/121, Friedrich Schlegel Schule
"UNTER UNS von Geistern, Dschinns und Monstern" Folge 2: Monster, Fabian Bernhardt im Gespräch mit Şeyda Kurt
From Behemoth to Godzilla, from King Kong to Gollum, Hydra and Dragoran – monsters are pervasive in the cultural imaginary. An ape the size of a skyscraper, a three-headed dog, a lioness with a human face…where no rules and standards exist, there are no monsters, or rather: everything could become monstrous. Dreaming of the abolition of the species is dreaming of a happy new world where the idea of the monster has dissolved along with the boundaries between species. As long as these boundaries still exist, we are, however, not going to get around a critique of the monstrous. How can we distinguish between monsters in the imaginary realm and in the real world? Which monsters should we fear? Which monsters do fear us? And not least: How should we deal with the monster within ourselves?
Location: Roter Salon, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
Lecture Series "Reflexivity in Research" with sociologist Monika Krause
On December 12 , we will host Professor Monika Krause from the London School of Economics, who will present her widely acclaimed book "Model Cases." The lecture will explore how the selection of particular cases shapes and influences our research methodologies and outcomes.
Location: L116, Seminarzentrum, Otto-von-Simson-Straße 26 / Mensa
Workshop "Unfeeling Repertoires: Defense, Repression, Grief"
In this second workshop of our project D09 “Dynamics of Unfeeling”, we will continue to work on a philosophical vocabulary of unfeeling, responding to an ever more crisis ridden reality and its historical precursors. The many dimensions of unfeeling include phenomena such as denial, repression and dissociation, coldness and apathy as well as outright aggression and other defense mechanisms. The workshop invites approaches to this affective-political complex from various disciplinary perspectives. Please register with Jasmine Wanjiru Onstad (
Affect and Colonialism World Café
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Raum JK 31/124, Rost-, Silberlaube, Habelschwerdter Allee 45
Workshop: "Understanding mobilization on social media: Methodological approaches to activists' affective and networking practices"
Location: Freie Universität Berlin 4. Juli: Hörsaal 21 B (90 TN) Ihnestraße 21; 5. Juli: Raum 0.2051 (Holzlaube)
"Faces of Affective Injustice" - International Workshop at Freie Universität Berlin
Location: Seminarzentrum L115, Otto-von-Simsonstraße 26 14195 Berlin
Rizvana Bradley (UC Berkeley) as guest at the Research Colloquium
Location: Philosophy Institute, FU Berlin
Workshop: "Life Death Entanglements: Affective Quanderies of Contemporary Non | Existence"
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Raum 2.2058/59 (Holzlaube) Fabeckstraße 23/25
Affect and Colonialism World Café
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Raum K25/11, Habelschwerdter Allee 45 / Silberlaube
Screening & round table: "Tatort - Am Tag der wandernden Seelen"
Location: UCI Kino, Am Eastgate Märkische Allee 178, 12681 Berlin
Lecture: "Infrastructures of Feeling: Digital Mediation, Captivation, Ambivalence" (Rebecca Coleman)
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Raum L115, Seminarzentrum Otto-von-Simson-Straße 26, 14195 Berlin
Scientific workshop with Cynthia Fleury at the SFB Affective Societies
Location: Raum KL32 202 Habelschwerdter Allee 45 Freie Universität Berlin 14195 Berlin
"Out of bitterness, into society! Cynthia Fleury and Carolin Emcke in dialogue"
Location: Institut français Berlin Maison de France Kurfürstendamm 211 10719 Berlin
Theater Studies Workshop 'Aesthetics of the Prefigurative'
Location: FU Hauptgebäude, Raum: KL 29/135
Revenge - On a blind spot of modernity
Literary salon with philosopher & literary scholar Fabian Bernhardt
Location: Conti-Foyer, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Screening & Discussion: "Empathy for Concrete Things"
Screening and reception of the animated film "Empathy for Concrete Things" (61 minutes, 2003), created during Gregory Gan's guest doctoral position, funded by the "CRC1171: Affective Societies". Moderation: Dr Hauke Lehmann.
Location: il Kino, Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Berlin
Feelings at the end of the world - Episode 8: REPETITION
The format "Feelings at the end of the world", hosted by Henrike Kohpeiß and Philipp Wüschner, is entering its eighth episode! With guests Joy Kristin Kalu and Ariel Efraim Ashbel, Kohpeiß and Wüschner talk about REPETITION.
Location: Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
Workshop "Hijacking Solidarity. Affective Networking of Far-RIght Publics on Twitter" with Ana Makhashvili
On December 7, 2023, Ana Makhashvili from the CRC "Affective Societies" will give an online lecture on her recent publication " Hijacking Solidarity: Affective Networking of Far-Right Publics on Twitter " at the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
Location: Online on Zoom ID: 875 8785 2915 Password: 070883
Launch of the E-Learning Portal: Data Affairs
The open source e-learning portal DATA AFFAIRS provides all interested parties with insights into the challenges of managing research data in ethnographic disciplines.
Location: Freie Universität Berlin SFB 1171 - Affective Societies, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Workshop "Contemporary Research on Gender & Far Right"
On 17 November 2023, Ana Makhashvili from the Collaborative Research Centre "Affective Societies" and Luciano Santander Hoces from the Latin America Institute will host the workshop "Contemporary Research on Gender and Far Right".
Location: IfPuK conference room Otto-von-Simson-Straße 3
Opening event of the 3rd term of the CRC "Affective Societies" on November 16th, 2023
The third term of our Collaborative Research Centre "Affective Societies" has now begun (2023 - 2027). Therefore, we are happy to invite you to the opening event, which will take place on November 16th, 2023 from 6 pm at the Institute of Philosophy of the Freie Universität Berlin.
"Gefühle am Ende der Welt" - Episode 7: RESSENTIMENT
With episode 7: RESSENTIMENT, the format "Gefühle am Ende der Welt", moderated by Henrike Kohpeiß and Philipp Wüscher, goes into a new round. Guests will be Jorinde Schulz and Ulrich Engel OP.
Location: Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
Conference "Audio/Vision/Culture – New Perspectives on Turkish German Cinema" (TP C06)
The international conference will gather the current state of research on Turkish German cinema and bring the different approaches into dialogue with each other.
Location: Sinema Transtopia, Lindower Str. 20/22, Haus C, 13347 Berlin
Conference "Affecting Parenting Politics"
Critical Perspectives on the Global Standardization of Childcare
Location: Henry Ford Building, Conference Room III, Freie Universität Berlin, Garystraße 35, 14195 Berlin
Workshop: "Embodied, Emotional and Sensorial Knowledge: Perspectives from Asia"
Location: National University of Singapore
Theorie- und Methodenwerkstatt: Winter School
Location: The Winter School takes place online via WebEx.
Talk: "Gehört der Buddhismus zu Deutschland?"
A talk about multiculturalism in Berlin with Max Müller (TP A02), Ha Hausmann, Gerry Woop and Kevin Hönicke at the taz Kantine.
Location: taz Kantine, Friedrichstr. 21, 10969 Berlin
TP A07 ("Touching Plants") at the Berlin Science Week
Location: The installation can be visited every day from 4pm to 8pm . Studio Nagelneu Prinzessinnengärten Hermannstraße 103 12051 Berlin
Workshop: "Kollektive Arbeitsweisen und Lebensformen in Theater und Theaterwissenschaft"
Teil 2: Künstlerinnengruppen in der DDR
Workshop: Affect, Politics & Religion at the The Museum of Jón Sigurðsson, Hrafnseyri, The Westfjords of Island
The Museum of Jón Sigurðsson, Hrafnseyri, The Westfjords of Island
Autorengespräch und Lesung: »Die Farbe der Wörter« mit Martin R. Dean
Location: Harnack-Haus, Meitner-Saal Ihnestr. 16-20 14195 Berlin
Workshop “Audio / Vision / Culture”
Location: Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe Cinepoetics Grunewaldstraße 35 12165 Berlin-Steglitz Konferenzraum 031/032 & Sichtungsraum K29
Book Launch Party "Queer Companions" by Omar Kasmani
Location: SAVVY Contemporary Reinickendorfer Straße 17, 13347 Berlin
Theory & Methods Roundtable with Suzana Jovicic
Location: Rost- und Silberlaube Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14195 Berlin Room KL32/202
Mikko Salmela: "Collective emotional dynamics of right- and left-wing political populism"
Location: KL 32/102 Rost- und Silberlaube FU Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Keynote "Natura Urbana" with Matthew Gandy
Location: Hs 1b, Hörsaal Freie Universität Berlin, Rost- und Silberlaube Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin
Symposium: „Exhaust(ed) Entanglements“
Location: Henry-Ford-Bau of FU Berlin; diffrakt – Zentrum für theoretische Peripherie & other Locations – PLUS Hybrid-Event via WebEx
AaC Exhibition Opening Party
Location: Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Str. 32, 12049 Berlin
Workshop "Thinking White Backwards: Disrupting Missionary Culture in Zambia through Photography"
Location: Oyoun Lucy-Lambeck-Str.32 12049, Berlin
Talk series "Counting on Miracles" at the Deutsches Theater
Location: Deutsches Theater Schumannstraße 13A, 10117
Keynote Lecture by Prof. Mohammed Bamyeh: “The Rise and Fall of Postcolonial Charisma”
Location: FU Berlin Seminarzentrum L116 (Ground floor), Otto-von-Simson Str. 26 & also online via Webex
Talk series "Counting on Miracles" at the Deutsches Theater
Location: Deutsches Theater Schumannstraße 13A, 10117 Berlin
Theory & Methods Roundtable: Affective Bordering - A Methodological Approach
Location: The lecture is taking place online. Please find the access link below.
Talk series "Counting on Miracles" at the Deutsches Theater
Location: Deutsches Theater Schumannstraße 13A, 10117 Berlin
Una Europa PhD Slam
Location: Live Stream on YouTube
Jonas Bens, Rosa Cordillera A. Castillo "The Affect and Colonialsm Web Lab: A Presentation" (Berlin Anthropology Seminars winter 21/22)
Location: Online via WebEx
Launch-Party "Affect and Colonialism Web Lab"
Location: Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Straße 32, 12049 Berlin
Digital Storytelling "Generation(en) erzählen" Launch
Location: Henry-Ford-Bau, Foyer Garystraße 35, 14195 Berlin
Workshop "Contested Property" (intern)
Workshop Cultural Heritage
Location: Seminarzentrum in der Otto-von Simson-Straße 26
Prof. Dr. Tobias Matzner: Understanding the affect of algorithmic publics
Location: The lecture is taking place online. Please find the acces link below.
Theory & Methods Roundtable: Decolonizing Social Science Methodology
Location: The lecture is taking place online. Please find the access link below.
Prof. Subarno Chattarji, DPhil: "Gooks, go home" - Vietnamese in the United States
Location: The lecture is taking place online. Please find the acces link below. Password: affectivepublics
Workshop with Tyrone Palmer (intern)
Location: This workshop is taking place online via WebEx
Ulla Berg, Ph.D.: The Affect of Deportation
Location: The lecture is taking place online. Please find the acces link below. The password is: affectivepublics
Annual Conference: Diversity Affects | Troubling Institutions
Annual Conference of the Collaborative Research Center 1171 “Affective Societies: Dynamics of Social Coexistence in Mobile Worlds”, Freie Universität Berlin. In cooperation with the Haus der Kulturen der Welt and the Schwules Museum, Berlin.
Prof. Radhika Gajjala, Ph.D.: Gendered Indian Digital Publics - Labor and Affect
Location: The lecture is taking place online. Please find the acces link below.
Dr. Steffi de Jong: Witness Auschwitz? How VR is changing Holocaust memory
Location: The lecture is taking place online. Please find the acces link below. The password is: affectivepublics
Online Workshop 4/4: The Role of Emotions in Epistemic Practices and Communities
Emotions in the social world
Location: The workshop is held online. Please find the meetling link below:
Online Workshop 3/4: The Role of Emotions in Epistemic Practices and Communities
Emotions, evaluation, and understanding
Location: The workshop is held online. Please find the meetling link below:
Online Workshop 2/4: The Role of Emotions in Epistemic Practices and Communities
Collective emotions and knowledge
Location: The workshop is held online. Please find the meetling link below:
Feeling Faithless: Making the Affective Turn in Secularism Studies - Donovan Schaefer
Location: online via Zoom
Lecture by Nitzan Shoshan - Hitler, for example: affective registers of fascist exemplarity in Germany
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Rostlaube, Raum KL32/202 Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14195 Berlin
Workshop: Affective Politics and Political Transformation in Turkey and Egypt
Project C01 Emotion and Affect within the Context of Authoritarian Transformations is organizing a workshop on December 5th and 6th about Affective Politics and Political Transformation in Turkey and Egypt . On December 5th Yael Navaro of University of Cambridge is going to hold a keynote followed by a reception at Freie Universität Berlin.
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Seminarzentrum Raum L113 (keynote) KL32/202 (workshop) Habelschwerdterallee 45 14195 Berlin
Public Talk by Steven Vertovec "Searching for the Language: Diversity and Complexity"
On thursday, 28th of November, Steven Vertovec who is a researcher at Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity isinvited by CRC Affective Societies to talk about "Searching the Languag: Diversity and Complexity".
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Seminarzentrum Raum L116 Rost- und Silberlaube Otto-von-Simson-Straße 26, 14195 Berlin
Symposium: "Affect and Gender between Academia, Arts and Activism: Genealogies – Methodologies – Normativities"
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Room L116 (Seminarzentrum) Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14195 Berlin
Workshop: "Affects, Media, Migration and Practices"
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Room JK33/131 Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14195 Berlin
Affects and the Digital? Discussion with Alexander R. Galloway
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Rost- und Silberlaube Habelschwerdter Allee 45
Lecture: "Positional Beasts: Amazonian ribeirinhos, pink dolphins, and the affections of wildness"
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Rost-und Silberlaube Habelschwerdterallee 45 Room KL 32/202
Lecture by Michal Givoni "The Politics of Empathy"
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Rost- und Silberlaube Room KL32/202 Habelschwerdter Allee 45
Conference: "Sentiments of Justice in Africa. Sensing the Normative at Shifting Scales"
International conference organized by project B04 „Sentiments of Justice and Transitional Justice“
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Seminarzentrum, Room L115 Otto-von-Simson-Straße 26 14195 Berlin
Conference: "Affective Arrangements in Mental Health Care Settings"
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Henry-Ford-Bau Garystr. 35 14195 Berlin
Lecture: “On the Non-Human Witness: Affects, Technologies, Mediations”
Public lecture by visiting fellow Michael Richardson (University of New South Wales, Sydney)
Location: Kunsthistorisches Institut, Room A 125 Koserstr. 20 14195 Berlin
Keynote: "Interior frontiers. Dangerous concepts in our times"
Location: ICI Berlin, Haus 8 Christinenstr. 18-19 10119 Berlin
Lecture: "Affect in the Colonial Archive"
Location: SAVVY Contemporary Plantagenstraße 31 13347 Berlin
Workshop: "Engaging the Elsewhere"
Organized by Hansjörg Dilger, Omar Kasmani, Dominik Mattes, Nasima Selim.
Location: Institut für Sozial und Kulturanthropologie Freie Universität Berlin Landoltweg 9-11, 14195 Berlin
Public Lecture by Alia Al-Saji: Hesitation and the affective weight of the past
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Lecture Room, basement of the Institute of Philosophy, Habelschwerdter Allee 30
Workshop: "Hesitation: A Critical Phenomenology of Time, Affect, and Racialization"
Workshop & Book Symposium with Alia Al-Saji (McGill University, Montreal)
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Room JK 33/121 (Rost- und Silberlaube) Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14195 Berlin
Lecture: Media, Markets and Psychology – Structural Conditions of Post-Factual Democracy
Public Lecture by Visiting Fellow Mads Vestergaard (University of Copenhagen)
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Rost- und Silberlaube, Room KL 32/202 Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14195 Berlin
Conference: Public Emotions. Affective Collectivity in Audiences
3 rd International Conference hosted by Collaborative Research Center “Affective Societies. Dynamics of Social Coexistence in Mobile Worlds” at Freie Universität Berlin Organised by Prof. Dr. Hubert Knoblauch (Sociology, TU Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Doris Kolesch (Theatre and Performance Studies, FU Berlin)
Spring School: "The Power of Immersion: Performance – Affect – Politics"
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Room KL 32/202 (Rost- und Silberlaube) Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14195 Berlin
Workshop: Early Phenomenology on Affective Sharing
Workshop organized by Gerhard Thonhauser
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Habelschwerdter Allee 45 („Rost- und Silberlaube”) Room KL 32/202 14195 Berlin
Conference: P/Re/Enact! Performing in Between Times
An international conference organized by the working group “(P)reenactment”, part of the collaborative research center “Affective Societies” FU Berlin
Location: ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry Christinenstr. 18/19 10119 Berlin