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No more home sweet home: When private and public become inseperable

In this first episode of the podcast "More than a Feeling - Feeling and Society" everything revolves around home sweet home and how our feeling of home changes in times of Corona.

Birgitt Röttger-Rössler, cultural and social anthropologist, and Margreth Lünenborg, communication scientist, at the Free University of Berlin discuss the relationship between public and private life here, in Germany, and in Indonesia, where Birgitt did research for a long time. They talk about whether this will change in view of Corona containment measures and home office regulations. What does home mean to us? Is there a rediscovery of home and family? And what role does the importance of private space play?

The episode is available in German.

We welcome questions, comments and criticism by mail to podcast@sfb1171.de.



  • Alisha Mendgen: Sexroboter: Der Mensch in der Maschine. Zeit Online 29.02.2020
  • Melissa Gregg (2011): Work's Intimacy. Cambridge: Polity Press.

  • Margreth Lünenborg (2019): Affective Publics. in: Slaby, Jan; von Scheve, Christian (Hg.): Affective Societies. Key Concepts. London & New York: Routlede, 319-329

  • Margreth Lünenborg (2019): Affective Publics: Understanding the Dynamic Formation of Public Articulations Beyond the Public Sphere. In: Fleig, Anne; von Scheve, Christian (Hg.): Public Spheres of Resonance. Constellations of Affect and Language. London & New York: Routledge, 30-48.

  • Oliver Bendel (Hrsg. 2020): Maschinenliebe. Liebespuppen und Sexroboter aus technischer, psychologischer und philosophischer Perspektive. Wiesbaden: Springer