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"Plurale Ontologien und museale Sammlungen: neue Perspektiven auf die Erforschung der materiellen Kultur" Seminar

Institut für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie

Institut für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie

During the summer semester 22, Paola Ivanov taught the seminar titled "Plurale Ontologien und museale Sammlungen: neue Perspektiven auf die Erforschung der materiellen Kultur" in the Bachelor's program of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin.

"Objects" in the ontologies (constructions of the world) of the societies in which they were originally embedded can be, for example, "subjects" with their own agency, form part of the human body or society, or even possess their own "culture", like humans. This seminar dealt with this plurality of ontological orders and asks what this means for museum “objects” and how they are dealt with, from their safekeeping in depots to their presentation in exhibitions to possible restitution.