New research focus of project B02 in the second phase
News from Jun 04, 2019
In the first phase, Reality TV was examined as a media format that explicitly focuses on the creation and production of affects. Now, the theoretical concepts and methodological approaches developed at this stage are being applied to journalism.
The focus is on the question of how journalism, which is normatively committed to the ideal of neutral reporting, nevertheless generates emotions and makes them visible in discourse. This is examined in audiovisual reporting on the subject of refuge and migration since 1990. In addition to professional journalism, parajournalistic formats such as YouTube videos also come to the fore. We ask which affective dynamics become visible in the media formats themselves and in the interaction with the users.
Part of the project is a cooperation with Neue Deutsche Medienmacher and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung in order to make selected research results accessible to a non-scientific audience in multimedia formats.