Information infrastructure and data management
Aspects of research data management
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INF: Information Infrastructure and Data Management
The Project INF supports the CRC 1171 with advice on organizational, technical and legal questions related to research data management. The variety of types of data and materials produced by the CRC and the diverse approaches to managing data pose a particular challenge. The project INF aims at providing generic strategies as well as customized solutions for the individual projects of the CRC, depending on the respective data types and their specific requirements.
An efficient information infrastructure that provides secure storage, organization and exchange of data will be developed and implemented in collaboration with the Computing Service (ZEDAT) and the Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS) at Freie Universität Berlin. Additionally, the project INF will assist the CRC in generating and publishing meta data.
At the same time, the Project INF will contribute to the interdisciplinary research on data management by following and studying the data life cycle of research data within projects of the CRC. The research will focus on the concept of ‘data’ in the humanities and social sciences, data management plans as living documents, the impact of data archiving on ethnographic research practice, the time and effort required for archiving and sharing of qualitative data, as well as ethical and methodological considerations in data management.