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Call for Contributions: Colloquium politics from below – program autumn/winter 2020

News from Sep 28, 2020

Interested scholars are kindly invited to submit their proposal for a contribution to the spring/summer program of the colloquium ‚politics from below‘ by October 15th. We have created the colloquium in 2011 to discuss research projects and texts tackling collective political action. We are looking for topics such as political mobilization, protest, social movements, and revolutions. The colloquium is also an opportunity to meet scholars with similar interests on a regular basis. The colloquium takes place on every second Monday at 18:00 and due to the COVID-19 related restrictions in an online format. The next edition starts on November 9, 2020. Usually, we start our discussion right away based on a text that is circulated in advance. Texts may be draft chapters or articles as well as research proposals. For a dense discussion, less than 20 pages have proven to be most productive. Alternative formats include short presentations or moderated discussions. For more information on the colloquium (in German) and past programs visit the colloquium’s website. Please send your proposals for contributions incl. a preferred date by October 15, 2020 to Simon Teune (teune(at)ztg.tu-berlin), Débora Madeiros (deb.medeiros(at)fu-berlin.de) or Elias Steinhilper (steinhilper(at)dezim-institut.de).

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