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Working Paper: "Researching Right-wing Protests: Experiences and Reflections from Qualitative and Quantitative Research"

The new working paper by Aletta Diefenbach (TP C04), Philipp Knopp, Piotr Kocyba and Sebastian Sommer is published in the series of the Institute for Protest and Movement Research (ipb). The language of publication is German. 

News from Dec 07, 2021

Movement studies in the Federal Republic of Germany has its origins in the study of new social movements. This is one of the reasons why right-wing protest mobilizations remained unexplored for a long time from the perspective of German movement studies. This changed with the racist riots in the early 1990s, when a debate broke out about whether the (extreme) right should not also be understood as a movement. Since the beginning of the noughties, at the latest, there has been a consensus that this is the case. However, this has not led to the dissolution of the niche existence of movement studies with right-wing actors. In the wake of the right-wing protest cycle initiated by the Dresden Pegida demonstrations (since late 2014), this has changed. Since then, the focus has increasingly shifted to how right-wing movements can be appropriately researched methodologically. Thus, Pegida has revealed that the methodological tools of movement research quickly reach their limits when applied in the right-wing mobilization context, which ultimately includes research ethics issues.

The contributions collected here address this gap in research and the problematic situation: They illuminate how qualitative and quantitative methods can be used in concrete studies of the right-wing protest milieu and discuss both challenges and approaches to solutions.

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