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Verena Straub receives the Deubner Prize for "Das Selbstmordattentat im Bild"

Verena Straub (SP B01) received the Deubner Prize 2022 for her dissertation "Das Selbstmordattentat im Bild. Aktualität und Geschichte von Märtyrerdarstellungen" of the Association of German Art Historians.

News from Feb 23, 2022


Suicide bombings have always been accompanied by and defined by images. From martyr posters to video testaments to computer simulations and livestreams from the scene of the crime, the image productions of militias are involved in the act in a variety of ways and must be taken seriously as actors in the political field. Verena Straub reveals for the first time the history of so-called martyrdom products that have operated in diverse political contexts since the 1970s. In numerous case studies, she analyzes their aesthetic and medial range, their dimensions of action and gender politics, their artistic appropriations and ethical challenges.

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