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Opening event of the 3rd term of the CRC "Affective Societies" on November 16th, 2023

Auftaktveranstaltung 3te Laufzeit des SFB1171

Auftaktveranstaltung 3te Laufzeit des SFB1171

The third term of our Collaborative Research Centre "Affective Societies" has now begun (2023 - 2027). Therefore, we are happy to invite you to the opening event, which will take place on November 16th, 2023 from 6 pm at the Institute of Philosophy of the Freie Universität Berlin.

News from Oct 17, 2023

We would like to start the evening with perspectives on "Inequality and Affect" and are particularly looking forward to the keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Martin Hartmann, University of Lucerne. Following this, we invite you to a casual get-together. An interdisciplinary workshop on the topic will also take place one day later. The program is available for download below. Thank you for registering by November 2, 2023 via office@sfb1171.de.

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