Analyzing Affective Media Practices by the Use of Video Analysis
Lünenborg, Margreth; Maier, Tanja – 2019
In this chapter, we will give insights into our work with video material and its potential to understand the affective dynamics of media audiences visualizing the spillover of affects from the TV screen to the bodies of spectators. Before going into empirical details, we will first give some background on the research context in which our work with video data has been developed. In a second step, we flesh out basic understandings of media audience and its relation to affects and emotions. As we refer to an understanding of affect based in practice theory, we will explore in more details how audiences and their doings are conceptualized in practice theory approaches (Part 2). The empirical steps working with video analysis follow in Part 3, including the collection of video data, the contextualization of video material worked out with situational maps, and methodological considerations towards different tools available for in depth analyses of the video material. Finally, we reflect on the potential of video analysis and its limitations discussing especially the changing contexts of media use with digital and mobile devices and its relevance for grasping the affective practices of media audiences (Part 4).