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Publication: „Affektive Medienpraktiken: Emotionen, Körper, Zugehörigkeiten im Reality TV“ by Margreth Lünenborg, Claudia Töpper, Laura Sūna & Tanja Maier

In "Affektive Medienpraktiken: Emotionen, Körper, Zugehörigkeiten im Reality TV" Margreth Lünenborg, Claudia Töpper, Laura Sūna and Tanja Maier present their findings of the first research term of the project B02 – Journalism and the Order of Emotions.

News from Feb 23, 2021

The book provides an analysis of reality TV which is informed by affect theory. The empirical focus then lies on the affective dynamics emerging between the TV show, media technologies, and the bodies of the viewers. Through a multi-perspective analysis, the book shows which strategies and patterns TV producers follow to generate affects and emotions, how inclusion and exclusion in the audiovisual media texts become physically percetible for viewers, and which traces affects leave behind in the bodies and discourses of the audience. In this way, affective dynamics of the negotiation of belonging are analyzed on the level of bodies, discourses, and practices. The study thus provides a methodologically as well as theoretically innovative contribution to the research on affect and emotion in communication studies.

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