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Livestream-Talk: Herrenhäuser Talk about Corona - Hansjörg Dilger

How has Corona changed our togetherness? Jutta Allmendinger, Ute Frevert and Hansjörg Dilger (TP C03) discuss at NDR kultur Sonntagsstudio as part of the Herrenhäuser Talks.

News from Mar 25, 2021

The corona pandemic has presented the global community with an unprecedented challenge. The virus has been able to break boundaries, lift obstacles, break beliefs and revolutionize working and learning; but it has also drawn new boundaries. How do the experiences of the past 12 months affect our thinking? Which principles has the corona pandemic shaken? Where will we break new ground? Will our social togetherness even develop further in the end due to the virus? We discuss these questions with experts from the social sciences and psychology.

28.03.2021 at 20:00 via NDR kultur. 

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