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Introduction. Affect in Relation

Affect in Relation (Cover)

Affect in Relation (Cover)

Slaby, Jan; Röttger-Rössler, Birgitt – 2018

This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book aims to sharpen a transdisciplinary and cross-methodological understanding of affective relationality. It includes empirical case studies and theoretical contributions from social and cultural anthropology, sociology, cultural geography, culture and media studies and related fields. The book focuses on one particular transnational social field, namely Vietnamese Berlin. The book also deals with the occupation of urban squares in the context of political protest movements. It addresses the affective processes that unfolded during the course of home raids among Australian Muslims mandated by the Australian government in the context of state-organized counter-terrorist efforts. The book also discusses the ways in which affective involvements continue to function as an important dimension of subjectivation during adulthood. It explores aspect of the co-evolutionary entanglement between affects, subjectivity and media by focusing on transformed and complexified milieus of subject formation.

Slaby, Jan; Röttger-Rössler, Birgitt
DOI: 10.4324/9781315163864-1
Erschienen in
Röttger-Rössler, Slaby (Ed.) 2018 – Affect in Relation
Größe oder Länge
pp. 1–28